Friday, September 08, 2006

Local news offers up-close look at Mother Ship

Those crazy folks at Fox News hired a plane to take a news crew on a fly-by of the enormous mother ship that's been hovering over the city for weeks now. The footage was pretty amazing even though the plane wasn't able to get too close to the ship.

A Visitor shuttle craft emerged from a hangar bay just as the news plane flew underneath the mother ship. The alien craft escorted the plane to a safe landing at Downtown Airport. According to City Hall, the alien Visitors were concerned that the plane might crash into a shuttle and acted quickly to divert the plane back to the safety of Earth.

The incident prompted City Hall to issue a statement regarding flights around the Mother Ship.

"To ensure the safety of all concerned, we are asking the FAA to institute a no-fly zone around the Mother Ship. Today could very well have ended in tragedy, and we must act quickly to forestall any future fly-bys that endanger the lives of humans and Visitors alike."

Fox 4 posted the video on its web site but I can't seem to find it. More on that later. I've been so busy at work I haven't been too faithful in updating this blog. Will try to do better.


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